Norman contacted us by email a while ago and sent me a few emails….
Hi, I had a search and found this lot of membership cards and discharge certificate.
I joined the 214 from the 157 GCBB on September 1958, after moving to the area.
My best pals at that time was Archie Gemmell and Bobby Alderdice, we moved in 1960 to Dullatur near Cumbernauld, though by that time I’d become involved with the Band, and was a tenor drummer, when we travelled to Belfast to win the World Championship.
Due to the distance, my midweek company activities dropped, during the winter, so really not too successful in achieving lots of badges, but during the summer, was keen to keep up activities with the band.
The bass corp within the bands, was Eddie Thompson and Gordon Low, the side drummers, Robert Turner and Archie Longwell.
At the contests I’d pal up with Stuart Hunter and another piper, Jim Marshall (the only name I can find in the membership cards)
Currently I live in Ayr.

I have enjoyed reading through the contents of the website, though sorry to see some of the ex-members have passed away, Dougie Law and Rab Turner and George Seymour who was my tenor drum instructor.
Best regards, Norman (Forsythe)