Joe Noble has emailed me the following which I am sure will be of interest.
Hi Alan
You might wish to include this in the website. It’s a picture of Andy Hosie and myself, taken on 1st August at the celebrations for his and Mary’s 50th wedding anniversary. I had been Andy’s Best Man all those years ago.
For those who don’t know, Andy was a leading drummer of the 214BB band and went on to become leading drummer of the Renfrew Pipe Band, the drum corps of which he led to the British and World Grade 1 Drum Corps championships. I was very happy to be his Flank Drummer in both the 214BB and Renfrew bands.
click on picture to see a larger version
(Alan – I’ve again given Andy all of the contact details for the ex-members group and hopefully this time he’ll join us).
Thanks Joe and I’m sure if Andy can contact us with his current email address we can invite him along to the reunions and send him a Christmas card.