Update from Robin Hunter

I received this today from Robin.

Thanks Tom for letting “the boy’s” know as I’m sure like many, 214 are family!!!

After X Ray in Inca, Mallorca, they informed me to go to my doctor as soon as possible back home. Stirling confirmed cancer nodules on spine and other boney parts needing arrested and radiation to date, plus a group of wonderful nurses have helped to keep the pain and comfort levels acceptable to date.

I have lost all use of legs etc from waist down and do not think this will return so no more marching!!!

All I ask is you give a wee part of your prayers and if you have to think who you send your donation this or next year to cancer or MacMillan.

Just to let you know costs, I am in Strathcarron hospice, Denny, and they say running costs are £10,000 per day!!!

Please all you boys and your families, have a great Xmas and Happy New Year.
Robin Hunter”

I’m sure you will all join the committee in wishing Robin and his family all the best for Christmas and the New Year, along with all our 214 strength and determination.

Robin is happy for anyone to contact him. If you require Robin’s email address please don’t hesitate to email the secretary or fill in a contact form on the contact us page.

Sure & Stedfast
