Ex- members may be interested to know of the recent success of one of our number Robert Wallace. Robert (wee Boab to Alex Ibell) has just been elected President of the Piobaireachd Society one of the most prestigious positions in world piping.
The appointment was made by acclamation at the Society’s AGM held in Glasgow last month. In his recommendation to the meeting retiring President Dr Jack Taylor issued a warm endorsement of Robert’s candidacy stating: ‘I have no hesitation in recommending Robert, your Vice President for the last 12 years, as my successor. He has been a great support to me during that time. Though we have had our differences we have always put the Society first in all our dealings. No one knows more about piobaireachdthan Robert; no one knows more about the Piobaireachd Society than Robert.’
After his appointment Robert said: ‘I am honoured to follow a long line of distinguished Presidents of the Society and will do my best to continue Jack’s good work for the Society and for piobaireachd music.’
The Piobaireachd Society was founded in 1903 with the aim of preserving and promoting the classical music of the bagpipe. Its Patron is Her Majesty The Queen.
Robert began his piping in 1960 when, aged nine, he went to Alex Ibell’s house in Whiteinch for his first lessons. He then graduated to the full 214 band winning the World Juvenile title in his first contest in 1964 at Dam Park, Ayr. Robert went on to play with the Muirhead & Sons band and started piobaireachd tuition there with the pipe major, RG Hardie. Robert’s solo awards include winning Gold Medals at both Oban and Inverness plus many other esteemed piping trophies and medals.

(Robert with retiring President Dr Jack Taylor)
We wish Robert every success in his office as President and are sure he will provide to be a ‘Stedfast’ appointment.
(Not bad for a wee boy from Whiteinch!)