On Saturday 19th October 2019 the RSPBA’s World Solo Drumming Championships were held at Glasgow Caledonian University.
Kerr McQuillan (15) (son of our Treasurer Stephen) became the World Champion in the Juvenile section 4 MSR.
We would like to extend our congratulations to Kerr, who you may remember played at the Reunion in 2017.
Kerr has now held five Tenor Drumming World Championship titles and this is now his second Snare Drum World Championship title.
He is now an accomplished player with Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate Caledonia Pipe Band, having completed his first season in Grade 1 this year.
Kerr played Balmoral Highlanders, Cameronian Rant and Charlie’s welcome.
His performance can be seen below.
The Adult Solo Championship was won by Stephen McWhirter of Inveraray and District, this was his tenth time winning it!