Sorry to say that Willie McDonald (95) passed away on 7th September 2022, the day before Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
His daughter Eileen advises:
“It’s with bittersweet sadness that I have to tell you and the ex members of the 214 that our father, William McDonald, beat the Queen by one day, slipping away peacefully to be reunited with the other Two Amigos early on 7 Sept 2022.”
“He was in the Royal Alexandra in Paisley following a bad fall on 2 Sept, which seemingly put strain on his heart. Thankfully, my brother Alastair was over from Germany to give me a break, so Dad saw his son in his last few days and I came back to be with him too.”
“The Pipe Tunes of Alex McIver” still sits on the table beside his armchair, having been looked through many times.
“I frequently found him engrossed in it when I came into the living room. Thank you once again, Hector, for presenting him with his signed first edition.”
“It will remain a treasured memento in the family.”
“Once we have funeral arrangements in place, we will, of course, let you and the ex-members know.”
With best wishes
Eileen McDonald
I’m sure all Ex Members will join me in sending our condolences to the family at this time.
Willie a piper had played in Pipe Bands all of his life, including Rutherglen (along with Alex MacIver and Gus McDonald), Helensburgh & Clan Colquhoun Pipe Bands. He was also a regular attender of the Piping Club in Glasgow.
Willie featured in one of our Articles ‘214 Boys at War’. (Click here to view)